Nov 3, 2010

The Unbearable Darkness of Being

It's been unbelievably dark since the beginning of this month, and people (including me) are now stocking up candles for the long winter. The past few weeks have been so busy for me that I have more than 10 new stamps but absolutely no time to list them. When I'm finally less busy in the afternoon/evening, the poor lighting would make it impossible to take a decent picture of anything...

However, the good news is that if you have the patience to wait till this Sunday, a whole bunch of stamps are gonna be listed in my shop:D


  1. Hang in there! This dark makes it perfect to "pyssla" (craft)!
    Can't wait to see what you've come up with!

  2. I actually made a cheshire cat stamp yesterday... will list it on sunday!

    Btw the restaurant thingy went pretty well today. You might see me near Globen in a chef hat in January;D

  3. Yay!! congrats! and I love your new stamps:)
