Jan 8, 2011


This is, I think, the first time in two months when I actually do not have any custom orders lining up to make.

Here are some of the custom stamps I've made in the past few weeks. When I look at them now I realize how much I can do better with photographing them--I'm used to carving at night and usually can't wait till the morning to take pictures:p

Which one is your favorite?

And I also made a new picture for custom orders! You should recognize the bull terrier if you have my stamps--it's a large stamp I made for myself and it's printed on the packages I use to mail the stamps.

(Now that I have some extra time before the new term begins... any inspiration for new stamps?)


  1. The Teresa stamp looks very pretty. I will go and have alook at your shop now!

  2. 哈哈,你也找到那个心形木头了!

  3. 哈,是啊,大的小的都有存货,用过好一阵了。unfinished wood成本很低啊!
